Magento Upload PDF | Product Attachments Extension by FME

Views: 824 Added Date: 05 September 2016 paulstanely Like
Magento Extension: Magento Upload PDF | Product Attachments Extension by FME

CMS: Magento Version: 1.9 Type: extension Extension Topic: Downloads

Magento upload PDF extension by FME allows you to create a separate file upload page in your e-store. Admin can upload multiple types of files and make them available for download right on the product & CMS pages. Upload pdf, images, videos, audios, documents and other relevant files to the product.

Using this Magento upload PDF extension, you can create multiple customer groups like registered users, wholesalers, etc. in order to limit the file downloads.


  • Separate file upload page
  • Display files in proper categories
  • Display File counter
  • Display File icons
  • Set file headings & description
  • Set landing page metas

Download for Magento 1: Magento Upload PDF

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Magento upload pdf



magento upload pdf extension

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