Magento 2 GeoIP Ultimate Lock Extension by FME

Views: 818 Added Date: 07 September 2016 paulstanely Like
Magento Extension: Magento 2 GeoIP Ultimate Lock Extension by FME

CMS: Magento Version: 1.9 Type: extension Extension Topic: Geotagging

The GEO IP Ultimate Lock Magento 2 extension empowers your store to restrict users from a specific country or region. It allows you to restrict the display of products, categories, CMS pages or the complete store from a user group. The blocked users can either be guided with an error message or redirected to an alternate page.

Using this Magento 2 Block IP address extension, you can block any IP address in real time.


  • Block visitor by region, country & IP address
  • Block access for specific product & CMS pages
  • Track & block visitor IP address
  • Uses Maxmind Database
  • Redirect them to another page
  • Show custom message 

Download from FME Store: FME Block IP Address Magento 2 Extension

geoip ultimate lock magento 2

magento geoip lock


magento 2 geoip ultimate lock


magento geoip ultimate lock

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