Magento 2 Product Question

Views: 524 Added Date: 14 March 2017 paulstanely Like
Magento Extension: Magento 2 Product Question

CMS: Magento Version: 1.9 Type: extension Extension Topic: FAQ

Magento 2 Product Question


Magento 2 Product Question is an extension by FME that allows you to add a detailed Product Questions section to your website. The extension allows you to attach as many FAQs as you can to different products to help customers find relevant questions right on the product pages. Other than this it also allows you to enable “Ask a Question” so your customers have the option to ask their own questions about the products they desire. Some of the main features of this extension are:

- Product related Questions
- Dedicated FAQs page
- Asking Questions
- Display FAQs Block
- Import/Export FAQs
- Accordion Style View

Learn more: Magento 2 Product Question


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