Magento 2 Mass Product Actions

Views: 1105 Added Date: 04 January 2018 itoris Like

Enable additional mass product actions in Magento® 2 and save time updating your products. The Product Mass Actions extension is for applying the same routine time-consuming actions to multiple products all at once.


  • Extremely fast operation via direct SQL queries;
  • Change Attribute Set. Update the attribute set for multiple products in bulkNEW;
  • Mass Attributes. Update product attributes in bulk. Add or subtract a value from the price attributes. Add or remove values from the multi-select attributes;
  • Custom Options. Copy or replace custom options from one product to several ones. Or remove all custom options together in selected products;
  • Related Products. Add or replace relations from one to the other selected products. Or remove all relations. Or cross-relate selected products; NEW.
  • Upsell Products. Add or replace upsells. Or remove all upsells together from selected products;
  • Cross-sell Products. Add, replace or remove cross-sells;
  • Images. Duplicate images for multiple products. Or clean all images in selected products if needed;
  • Categories. Assign selected products to multiple categories. Or un-assign them from selected categories;
  • Update Price based on Cost or update Cost based on Price NEW;
  • Update Special Price based on Price or Cost (any combinations).

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