Magento 2 Grouped Promotions

Views: 1239 Added Date: 04 January 2018 itoris Like

Improve sales with the Grouped Product Promotions extension for Magento 2. Create fixed promo sets as A + B + C = $X and apply various bundle discounts. Combine different products with custom options or color swatches, place promosets everywhere on your site and motivate customers to buy more.


Create inseparable promo sets with fixed quantities.

Apply various price calculation methods:

  • Manual Discounts for Associated Products;
  • Discount for the Entire Promoset;
  • Fixed Price for the Entire Promoset;
  • Show promosets on product pages, shopping cart, CMS pages or static blocks;
  • Combine configurable, bundle, virtual, or simple products with or without custom options;
  • Manage promotions per store view;
  • Manage promotions per customer group;
  • Set time limitations to promosets;
  • Apply Mass-actions;
  • Use the same promotion rules for multiple products;
  • Detailed price calculation on Frontend;
  • Responsive design for tablets and mobile devices.

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