Magento 2 Advanced Product Grid

Views: 921 Added Date: 04 January 2018 itoris Like
Magento Extension: Magento 2 Advanced Product Grid

CMS: Magento Version: 1.3 Type: extension Extension Topic: Menu Systems Unique tags: advanced product grid magento 2 extensions magento extensions magento plugins magento add-ons

The Advanced Product Grid extension will allow you editing product attributes directly in the list of products. You will also be able to edit product images and videos on the product grid without redirects.


    Inline editing of product attributes directly on the list of products, no redirects;
    AJAX operation allows editing multiple attributes together;
    Hot Keys and optimized interface;
    Editing product Images and Videos directly on the product grid;
    Filter products;
    Show or hide attribute columns;
    Drag'n'drop columns to reorder them.

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