Magento 2 Daily Deals Extension

Views: 653 Added Date: 23 February 2018 itoris Like
Magento Extension: Magento 2 Daily Deals Extension

CMS: Magento Version: 1.3 Type: extension Extension Topic: Admin Navigation Unique tags: magento extension magento daily deals magento weekly specials magento product discount magento promotions

Convert products with special prices and catalog price rules into daily deals or weekly specials with a countdown and notify customers about current or upcoming offers. Create deals from backend and insert them anywhere on your website.


  • Manage daily deals globally or per store view;
  • Create special offers directly from the daily deals list;
  • Track and filter daily deals in the list;
  • Add or remove daily deals in bulk;
  • Define the start and end date for deals;
  • Enable countdown on frontend;
  • Show deals on homepage, category and product pages, shopping cart;
  • Specify the max number of products on homepage, product pages and cart;
  • Show all deals on a separate page on frontend;
  • Customize URL for the page with all deals.

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