Magento 2 Improved Layered Navigation Extension

Views: 501 Added Date: 11 May 2018 itoris Like

The Layered Navigation extension for Magento 2 will allow your customers to filter products by multiple attributes, colour swatches and categories at the same time. Expand and collapse attributes, enable the price slider, generate URLs including all chosen attributes and speed up filtering via the built-in AJAX.


  • Layered Navigation on category pages and search results;
  • Select multiple attributes at the same time;
  • Filter products by Categories;
  • Full support of image and colour swatches;
  • Price slider and "from-to" input boxes;
  • Expand and collapse multiple sections at once;
  • Display the advanced product count in brackets for each attribute value;
  • All chosen attributes are added to URL and can be copied;
  • Fully responsive design for tablets and mobile devices.

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