Magento 2 Customer Fields Extension

Views: 607 Added Date: 04 December 2018 paulstanely Like


FME Extensions is up with the Magento 2 customer fields extension which adds custom fields to the registration form. These custom fields are able to intake the data in 10 different formats like text field, media upload, date, multi select, drop-down, radio, check boxes etc. You can also assign title and predefined values of these attributes. 6 different input validations including (email, decimal number, integers,alphanumeric,URL, letters) help you take data in required form. Restrict attributes to specific customer groups. Mark attributes as mandatory OR optional and assign them position in the form. Users can edit their data even after registration.The wow factor is that Magento 2 customer fields offers free lifetime support and upgrades.


Custom Fields accept data in 10 formats:

o     Text Field

o     Text Area

o     File Upload

o     Image Upload

o     Date

o     Drop-down

o     Multiple Select

o     Yes/No

o     Radio

o     Check Boxes


Validate custom Fields in various ways:

o     Email

o     Decimal Numbers

o     Integers

o     Alphanumeric

o     Letters

o     URL  


Key Features

  • Add custom input fields to registration page
  • Position input fields in a meaningful order
  • Add titles to each of the input field
  • You can show or hide fields from the sign-up form
  • Restrict custom fields by customer groups
  • You can also set default values of fields
  • Mark these fields as mandatory OR optional
  • Allow customers to update data after registration 

More Details and Demo On - Magento 2 Customer Fields Extension








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