If you are an owner of a business you definitely need an awesome website to represent your deal. So we are offering you to check the list of the top 10 responsive joomla business templates.
Bello is a powerful joomla 3.2 business template. You will be able to create any style site you want with a few clicks. to edit template colors, images, font sizes, logo, responsive layout and much more. Template was built in such a way, that you can control text and link colors, container background image or color, wrapper color, container padding, container color opacity in any place you want, and it is also responsive. So check it!
JSN Corsa joomla business template which reflects clarity and usability. JSN Corsa is the most powerful JoomlaShine template right now with the extended styles for many popular extensions: EasySocial, EasyDiscuss, EasyBlog, K2 and Kunena.
Mobidic is a perfect solution for Business and Agencies. This joomla 3.2 joomla template is fully responsive, it has 5 color skins, so you can easyly customize it under yourself. Mobidic goes with awesome jQuery animations and effects which makes your site more attractive. Awesome image gallery with 1-3 column layouts and location map module make this business template more suitable for business.
BT One page is a fully responsive, single-page Joomla business Template with 3 polished interfaces: Corporate, Retro and Christmas styles. Due to Bowthemes component editing the of the content is very easy, that the child will understand how to do that.
Corvision is one page responsive joomla 3.2 template with parallax layout that is perfect for your business website. Template shortcodes , 5 creative template styles , 5 custom module styles , extended typography, slick image and hover effects will give your website visitors best user experience possible. Template supports: K2, YJ Image Slider, YJ Ajax Contact, YJ Module Engine and YouBricks Engine Module.
Provide your exceptional webstore with the stunning, up-to-date presence it deserves with our inStyle joomla 3.2 business template. Its clean, stylish design makes it perfect as a sales platform for whatever products you wish.
Flux is a responsive joomla business template that comes with a ton of features, simple colour schemes and a lot of white space. Flux is an ideal website for business. It features an elegantly simple design and intelligently implemented responsive functionality which makes it an ideal theme for your website whether your users are using their mobile or desktop or anywhere in between.
Shaper Awetive is a clean, modern and responsive joomla business template. This template was created to make it professionals mind - such as corporate, business, online showcase or multipurpose website.
ShadowCompany is a clean, minimal and light designed, modern and responsive HTML5/CSS3 template for Joomla 3.2. It based on the latest Bootstrap version (v3) a flexible and responsive grid framework. The template itself was created for a fictional webdesign agency/freelancer, but of course you can use it for a lot of other website types which needs this type of style.
Let's build your gorgeous virtual store with the radiant colors and knockout features of JSN Glass! Besides lean design, slender edge and flat scheme, it is also eager to WOW mobile visitors with its responsive layout. JSN Glass is equipped with the extended style crafted specially for HikaShop.
nice list of templates, really
inStyle I like the most.. but all others are also pretty good :)
Will be posted after admin approval.