Magento Views: 1495 Added Date: November 01, 2017 Adolph Like

Hello today we want to speak about magento extensions... If your website works by this powerful CMS you might will surprised how easy to transform it in more powerful tool and give new breath into your workspace. Magento one of the most popular e-commerce platforms. So we will review to lean on tools that useful in e-commerce.

1. Best Seller Product

it is extension which shows system generated products as best sellers. You can customize it how you wish. Will be product displayed on main page or it’s will be in sidebar like a widget in slider, you decide. This extension will help you to attract attention of your customers to you product. You also will have rich configuration options of this extension.



2. Product Price Formula.

That helps the extension which helps to calculate orders with your custom mathematical formula. You can Calculate everything that you want with more than 17 features. You can: create multiple rules and formulas with unique product options. You have the ability to use configurable options and high math functions like cos, sin, sqrt etc. in this app you can calculate shipping weight wich based on your custom formula and there are many other features. also in this version was added copying of formulas from one product to multiple ones. Ability to export, import, backup formulas via a file Formula applied on category pages, search results , product view , shopping cart, checkout, wishlist and other …



3. Grouped Product With Options

Powerful simple-in-use extension which helps to group simple, virtual, configurable, and bundle products with option. It can convert products in checklist? show and hide images of associated products. color swatches supported and the total amount of selected product s is displayed of group product.



4. Magento 2 Whatsapp Contact

This product helps to connect website owners and your consumers, and show to your clients that they are not abandoned. This magento app helps to connect your clients with you, and helps to answer on all intresting questions by your consumers in same time when they needs.So your clients who use their smartphones with whatsapp messenger can get more information about your product. One of powerful sides of this extension it is fuctionality costomization of contact button. So this extention by MageComp the good decision if you want to be always in touch with your clients.



5. Magento Social Login

This extention exist for checkout of costumers on your magento website. Social Login allows your users to connect with few clicks to your website. It increases your Magento user registration rate by simplifying the registration process for new users and provides permission-based social data retrieved from the social network profiles. Customers have posibilitty to choose one among all social accounts to log in (including Facebook login, Gmail login, Twitter login, Yahoo login and linkedin). Place these social accounts for the login on various places at login page. After choosing the preferred login channel, Customers just need to enter their usernames and passwords to log in. No other information is required. If Customers is already signed in any of their social account (Facebook login, Gmail login, Twitter login, Yahoo login or LinkedIn...), system will automatically use the information from their social account and customer will be logged in.


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