Why to choose Angular for Web Development

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WordPress News: Why to choose Angular for Web Development

Angular is well known for developing robust and adaptable Single Page Applications (SPA).  The Application structure is developed in JavaScript and uses HTML as a template language.  It provides a choice for the developers to create client-side applications. Angular is a framework developed and maintained by Google which makes it an assured and dependable code base to work on.

Based on our experience, we have listed down the Reason to choose angular for web application development.

Also Read : Seamless Upgrade to Angular 5



MVC Framework

Angular implements MVC architecture to develop web application. It provides a platform where only few attributes needs to be added to the HTML language and progress with the development will be faster. It enhances HTML which makes all difficult tasks move smoothly. Using MVC architecture helps in retrieving and inserting the data, independent of user interface. The controller acts as a bridge in establishing the connection between the view and model


Feature Rich         

Angular development is Robust and easy. It is has features like filters, data binding, scope management, directives, API client, form validation.  These features make the web applications more straightforward and easy to detect and troubleshoot them.


Two-way binding

Angular utilizes two-way data binding; the benefit of two-way data binding is that updates to the underlying data store happen automatically. When the data store updates, the UI updates as well. This allows you to remove a lot of logic from the front-end display code, particularly when making effective use of Angulars declarative approach to UI presentation. In essence, it allows for true data encapsulation on the front-end, reducing the need to do complex and destructive manipulation of the DOM.


Dependencies Handling

Angular makes it easy to arrange things like dynamic loading and dependencies and utilize them as required without worrying about instances and namespaces. Angular will take care of the complete life cycle of the objects thus handles dependencies in an exceptional way.


Support from Google

Angular is backed up by Google, Hence acts as a great relief for the developers that they would be working on a strong code base that would provide complete support to the application. Angular has its hands on by two best developers by Google hence it is a reliable framework to depend on.


Ease to Test/ Testing made simpler

An Angular web application is broken down into modules and sub parts which makes each module easily testable and manageable.  The module separations help in loading only necessary services and test them separately.


Faster Development

Angular contains many ready made tools and components that would reduce the development time, also in each version release of angular it is made simpler and faster.



Angular is promising and a great choice to develop web applications.  Angular features and the Angular services combine to result in feature rich and top notch web applications. We have expertise and experience in Angular development services that has helped us deliver Top notch web applications to our clients. We also have experience in Angular upgradation and provide hassle free support for migration to Angular.

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