With the help of the module “Prestashop Product Images ZOOM”, users are able to magnify an image to have a more detailed view of the image. It clears and highlights customizable modules for your store. Let’s zoom on your products!!...
Comments: 0 Views: 2657    Webtet

Responsive Instagram Carousel is a module that allows you to create a responsive slideshow or carousel to showcase items. Module has position on the homepage and page product of your Store. The carousel also supports touch devices like i...
Comments: 0 Views: 1759    Webtet

Pack of three modules - Live Chat lets you talk to visitors on your website, Product Zoom users are able to magnify an product image to have a more detailed view, Webmaster Site Verification maximize your store performance on searc...
Comments: 0 Views: 801    Webtet

This revolution module adds banner with scrolling text and/or images and video that you need. Module support a link to a content. This is easy way to bring important information like news, sales, price the product of the week or day for ...
Comments: 0 Views: 1207    Webtet

This module adds Accordion Slideshow with a list of tools and options for adding and editing images for different views. It fully responsive. Customer Photo Accordion Slideshow is a PrestaShop module which allows you to create a photos g...
Comments: 0 Views: 1339    Webtet

Responsive Instagram Images Gallery is the module for PrestaShop that will enable you to display your snaps uploaded to Instagram. This includes variety of configuration to have control over the gallery. Don't have time to update your im...
Comments: 0 Views: 1902    Webtet

   This is premium slider for your store. If you will add this module for your store, you will get awesome Responsive Images Camera Slider, fully configurable and support for touch devices.  Module allows you quick and simple inte...
Comments: 0 Views: 678    Webtet

Parallax Scroll Images and Videos is super easy to use scrolling parallax and animate effect the easiest way to get a parallax scrolling background image or video for an element on your page. It’s supported on touch devices. It is sup...
Comments: 0 Views: 783    bonpresta