The module helps to add popup image ads on the home page related to products, offers, promotions, etc a well-designed and well-written pop-up can be a real boon to your company’s lead generation. Pop-ups can be useful and a great asset...
Comments: 0 Views: 1804    shahab

The module helps administrators to add pop-up ads on the home page of products, offers, promotions from the back-office based on selected language and showcase in the front-office using interactive popup.   This module helps administrators...
Comments: 0 Views: 2753    shahab

This module creates a splash screen on your site with your news. Warns customers of your clients from the entrance to your site.Box popup you to increase your sales! Warn visitors about a very important news at the beginning of their vis...
Comments: 1 Views: 1711    Webtet

Why is it beneficial to install Prestashop Ajax Cart Addon on your Prestashop website? Prestashop Ajax Cart+ Addon allows your customer to view the cart products, view estimated cost, remove products, update cart quantity, apply coupon w...
Comments: 0 Views: 1032    Natalie T

The module helps to add mp4 video in pop-up on home page of products,offers,promotions from back-office. The module accept mp4 video file uploaded from back-office this provide alternative solution for youtube and other hosted video apps pr...
Comments: 0 Views: 1815    shahab

  The module helps to add youtube video regarding offers,promotions,products, store etc and showcase in home page popup based on selected languages from back-office.It helps to show different videos based on multilingual store language....
Comments: 0 Views: 2004    shahab