The module helps to show Facebook like popup sidebar on home page to increase likes of store facebook page , customer engagement and relationship management. This module helps to increased exposure to potential customers lower marke...
Comments: 0 Views: 3391    shahab

Prestashop social messenger addon by Knowband incorporates live chat support services on the eCommerce store allowing e-merchants to communicate with their clients in a personalized manner. Start a conversation with your potential client...
Comments: 0 Views: 1510    Natalie T

Creates a complete set of Open Graph Tags for all pages. Using this module, you can tell Facebook what images, text, and more to use when sharing your webpage. If you want to give for your coustomers ability to share and like your shop o...
Comments: 1 Views: 2674    Webtet

   Eliminate the typical registration by offering social log in with Facebook. This module adds button that enable people to quickly register or sign-in log in to your store using their existing identities from Facebook with the click ...
Comments: 1 Views: 1514    Webtet

This module embeds Twitter Feed Widget on your store. You can easily and quickly add Twitter Widget to your home page, product page, footer, left and right column. he absolute best Twitter Feed Widget for PrestaShop. Easy to use, ins...
Comments: 0 Views: 1688    Webtet

The module allows to integrate addthis social content sharing widget on a website. It helps in a social bookmarking and sharing buttons helps spreads content across the web by making it easier for visitors to bookmark and share it.   AddTh...
Comments: 0 Views: 2514    shahab

The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. To turn web pages into graph objects,need to add metadata to your page. The major search engines analyze these Open Graph tags. It is important...
Comments: 0 Views: 1498    shahab

A social login is a kind of single sign-on where user use existing login information of a social network like Facebook,Twitter,Google+ etc to log on to a website, instead of creating a new log-in account specially for that website.  ...
Comments: 0 Views: 1170    shahab

This Prestashop social media module offers a way to advertise your products through social media automatically. This module helps to change your store and make it more usability and friendly. On the other side it’s kind of a measuremen...
Comments: 1 Views: 1231    Webtet

With this module users will can easily share your content on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Reddit, and Pinterest. This is a very simple to use social media sharing module for your Prestashop store. No registration, no ID require...
Comments: 0 Views: 1356    Webtet