SJ Mobi - Professional Joomla technology template

Joomla 2.5 Views: 1007 Added Date: 28 March 2014 SmartAddons Like
Joomla Template: SJ Mobi - Professional Joomla technology template
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Blogs Business E-commerce News Events

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joomla template joomla theme theme joomla template joomla

Inspired by mobilization and responsive Web design, SJ Mobi - Joomla Template has been released. Allowing the visitors from any source, who are possessing many devices for many purposes; increasing your traffic by serving various screen sizes; let check to see how amazing this is...

Based on YT Framework, this is really great responsive template for Joomla! 2.5:

  • 5 styles available with responsiveness to 1, 3 or 5 column layout!
  • Globally recognition because it offers RTL and LTR languages as well as Google fonts.
  • Support any contexts, ranging from personal blog, corporate Website to big shopping portal, all becomes true by integrating many modules inside. For instance, with SJ Gallery, you can make portfolio or showcase; with famous module SJ Content Slideshow now responsive, your Website will be more attractive than ever...
Let check this Joomla template demo to see it in reality.
1. Support 4 types of menu: Moo Menu, CSS Menu, Dropline Menu and Mega Menu
2. Support RTL, LTR language
3. Support Module Variations
4. Support Cpanel for changing Site Styles, Fonts, Direction, Template Width
5. Support Optimize CSS/JS/HTML/Merge File
6. Support many extensions: SJ Content Slideshow Responsive, SJ News Extra Slider, SJ Gallery, SJ Module Tabs, SJ Basic News
7. Support Typography
8. Support Google Font
9. Support Site Styles: Blue, Cyan, Pink, Brown and Green.
10. Support Window layout, Mobile layout, Iphone layout, Android layout and Handheld layout
11. Fully compatible with IE7+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome
12. Use Lazy Load for handling large images
13. W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional Valid
14. 100% tableless design, based on CSS
15. Support PSD file
16. Support Lavalamp Effect for Moo Menu and Mega Menu

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