JZ Handyman

Joomla 3.7 Views: 674 Added Date: 12 September 2017 Joomzilla Like
Joomla Template: JZ Handyman
Template Topics:
Architecture Cars Industrial Neutral Templates Real Estate

Template Options:
Custom Fonts, Settings/Parameters, Demo Installer, Multiple Colors, Fixed width, Responsive

Unique tags:
joomla template joomla theme theme joomla template joomla

JZ Handyman is an excellent Joomla template that works great for mechanics, plumbers and other tradesmen. For logos and branding that are big and bold with animated style images this Joomla template fit perfectly.

The large cartoon style logo you see in the demo, can be easily placed above the menu bar in an absolute position or in line with the other bootstrap elements - all by the click of a button the template options. Not only there but there are various colours, 2 background colours, an array of fonts and multiple social media options to choose from, ensuring you website matches perfectly with your intended purpose.

You will find working with this template a dream, it uses only the inbuilt Joomla bootstrap framework, no need to install anything other than the template extension and than whatever extensions you choose. No buggy code, no jQuery conflicts and a responsive design that looks great on all devices.

With the user manual - which is included you can easily create an exact copy of the demo on your own server and edit it to suit your needs. Otherwise the template files and also the extensions come packaged with this Joomla template.

  • Easy to Use: Configure options easily
  • Logo: Text or Image, Absolute or Relative Positions
  • Colours: Fantastic selection of colour options
  • Sharing: In-built Social Media Sharing Buttons
  • Modules: Collapsible Module Positions
  • Social Media: Links to all your favourite profiles
  • Fonts: Various Fonts available for selection
  • Responsive: Adapts for mobile devices
  • Installation: Quickstart Package Included
  • Bootstrap: Bootstrap Framework
  • Standards: HTML Validated

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