Yootheme Venture

WordPress 3.5 Views: 1488 Added Date: 14 August 2013 yootheme Like
Wordpress Theme: Yootheme Venture
Template Topics:
Communications Internet

Template Options:
Settings/Parameters, Demo Installer, Multiple Colors, Responsive

This theme utilizes the latest features of the fast and slick Warp theme framework. It comes with a broad range of layout and module variations as well as a neat typography to style your content. Read on to learn more about this theme and its features:

Available for Joomla and WordPress

4 style variations and 4 textures available

Choose from 8 colors and 12 fonts

6 module style combinable with 4 badges and 6 icons

Boxed style for system output (optional)

Separator background image for module positions (optional)

Smooth CSS animations (optional)

Widgetkit Slideshow Tabs bonus style

Responsive theme, optimized for touch devices

Flexible template and column widths

All Warp framework features are available

Theme Styles

We provide different style variations of the default theme. In addition to these styles we added several other style settings like colors and fonts. Combining the different style options allows you to create your own unique theme design.

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