Joomla Templates - Family
Social Joomla Template designed for mommy bloggers, loving grandmas and family storytellers. it is well optimized for all devices from desktop to tablets and smartphones. * Responsive design based on Bootstrap * ...
* Responsive theme for Joomla 3 * Bootstrap framework * RTL language support * 5 columns template with width at your choice * 65 Module positions fully collapsible * 2 styles - boxed or fluid * 6 presets ...
* Family Joomla Template * 5 columns template with width at your choice * 2 menu option Mega or moo menu * Horizontal menu boxed or full width. Float or fixed. * 6 color styles red, blue, green, orange, brown...
* Bootstrap framework * 6 color styles red, blue, green, yellow, brown and purple * Slider with text info and read more for each slide * Background color and pattern change from template parameters * Backgrou...
* Responsive template based in Bootstrap framework * 6 color styles red, blue, green, yellow, brown and purple * Background color and pattern change from template parameters * Background image optional * Slid...
Template features: Slider header controlled from template parameters. Icon menu module. Megamenu plugin. Shortcodes plugin. Slider News module. Pro show article module. Social icons. 67 Module positions fully...
* Responsive joomla template * Bootstrap 3 framework * 63 Module positions * All module positions are fully collapsible * 4 ready styles red, blue, green, orange plus unlimited custom color * Background col...
* Responsive multiple purpose template * Bootstrap framework * 63 Module positions * All module positions are fully collapsible * 4 ready styles red, blue, green, orange plus unlimited custom color * Backgr...
The Big Picture Joomla Template is designed for any charity, or non profit organization style website. The layout, phone number and donate button make getting your charity website setup a breeze. This month we've done...
"CraftandCook" is first template released in November 2013. It is a clean, natural and light designed, modern and responsive HTML5/CSS3 template for Joomla 3.0+. It based on the latest Bootstrap ver...
What a wonderfull, responsive and colorfull Joomla Template! The JP-Kids Template is dedicated for all who wants to build a clean but colorfull website. We included an eye-catching responsive slideshow which is gre...