Magento 2 Canonical URLs Extension | FME

Views: 1083 Added Date: 21 December 2018 paulstanely Like

This Magento 2 Canonical URLs extension sets you from in implementing canonical tags to pages one by one.Using magento canonical tags you can overcome the issue of content duplication. Moreover it beautifies your URL and makes it human understandable. The application of canonicals to pagination and layered-navigation pages further elaborates the relationship of products and categories to the search engine. Below are the key features and demo of the product.

Key Features:

  • Add Canonical URLs to products, categories, CMS pages
  • Add trailing slash for canonical Meta tag
  • Enable/Disable Canonical meta tag to catalog pagination pages
  • Allow/Disallow Canonical meta tag to catalog layered navigation – for filtered or current category page
  • Add rel="next" and rel="prev" to catalog pagination

More Details and Demo: Magento Canonical tags by FME



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