Joomla Extensions

Provides a short table suitable for left or right column of the layout...

Create your own Battlefield 2 leaderboard. With live stats directly from gamespy server you never loose track of your own and your mates points and ranks....

PUArcade Bot to provide UddeIM Email Integration - Thanks to Vanama and Adroussel for the improvements...

Displays a list of games in specific folder with option to show image and/or high score from PUArcade 2.0.2...

Module for Joomla 1.5 which contains a daily sudoku puzzle. The sudoku is provided by

Use Guidance: {photopuzzle parameters}Image_link{/photopuzzle}The images size should be 400x300 pixels. Parameters: pieceColorOff,pieceColorOn, borderColor - color, rezX-number of X pieces, rezY-number of Y pieces, messa...

Modulo che visualizza il numero di visite effettuate dagli utenti, ragggruppati per nazionalita...

This module shows the users location based on the freee script. Please read the Terms on their website before using. We cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the script. According to what I...

JoomlaStats Flags Module - Shows visitors grouped by country in grafical way. Flags Module is extension to JoomlaStats component/engine (com_joomlastats). Project JoomlaStats homepage This Mod...

D-Mack RecommedFriends Component lets your Users recommend your site to their friends. Features include multiple friend emails, customizable options and messages through the Administration configuration and many, many mo...

Global NeoCounter Statistic Module You thought you had seen all there was to see in matters of counters? Prepare to be impressed! This module ease you in using NeoWORX Counter (NeoCounter), an innovative and unique web c...

This is Geo Visitors module for Joomla. Please visit for more details. Note: To use this module don't forget to enter your site's Google Maps API key. If you don't already have one, y...

Vinaora Visitors Counter Version: Release date: 2009-02-06 Homepage: This module shows you the visitors of your site. Features 6 cool styles Show Today - Yesterday - Week - Month - All statist...

JoomlaWatch is an AJAX component and module for Joomla CMS that allows you to watch your website visitors and bots in real-time from the administration menu. Specially their IP addresses, countries they come from, geogra...

Visitor Map Module shows the map of the visitors of your live site. There are various combination of Map Style provide by and you able to select that with this module. ChangeLog Version 1.1 (27 December 200...

Visitors Counter - by Majunke Michael Version: 1.9.4 Release date: 2009-01-22 Homepage: This module shows you the visitors of your site. It is based on Vinaora Visitors Counter and extends this to...