Joomla Extensions

Phoca International Alias - creates correct alias from title (Languages: Czech, Polish, Slovak)...

Transliteration system plugin for Joomla 1.5 only! Requires at least Joomla! 1.5.4 stable. See yvTransliterate's Homepage ( [url][/url] ) for more information....

The Praise Url module will display the Joomla URL for the request. This is useful if you are using an SEF component....

ARTIO JoomSEF rewrites Joomla! URLs to be Search Engine Friendly together advanced URL editing options, such as metatags definitions. It integrates JoomFish support with option of internationalized, multilingual URLs. Th...

Replaces the Title tag with the article alias instead of the article title...

Rich Style PageRank Rich Style Page Rank will enable various PageRank button style displayed on your website. Let your visitor & advertiser knows what is your website content PageRank by Google. Generated by: YouCMSAndBl...

Rich Style PageRank Rich Style Page Rank will enable various PageRank button style displayed on your website. Let your visitor & advertiser knows what is your website content PageRank by Google. Generated by: YouCMSAndBl...

This module display the copyright. The current year keeps up to date automatically. Through th administrator is possible to modify the years's born and the link.!...

Ce module pour Joomla 1.5.x. et 1.0.x affiche des icones de crédits (remerciements) et crée leurs liens....

This module shows Copyright information but let you choose what it displays. Module written by Pixarts ( This is an updated version. Now there are 4 zones, all separated by a separator (default | you can c...

Joomla! 1.0.x component to display component credits in one central page. Released under GNU General Public License (GPL)....

Joomla! 1.0.x and 1.5.x compatible component (legacy mode) to display component credits in one central page. Released under GNU General Public License (GPL). Based on Joomla! Credits by The Joomling Club....

This module echos a copyright symbol and the current year. Optional text field for start year. Optional text field for text to be displayed after the copyright and year....

Resets a specific content item's hit counter each time the module is diplayed. You can input the content item id as a parameter. If you want to reset other content item's hits, make a copy of this module within joomla an...

Plugin CssJsCompress can automatically optimize external resources like CSS and JavaScript, which can reduce both the size and number of requests made to your website. CSS files can be aggregated and compressed into a si...

In Custom Fields (component Mosets Tree) for Meta Keys adjust the following parameters: Published - Yes, Simple Searchable - Yes....

SearchTag plugin - for Joomla 1.5, SearchTag plugin will exact content meta keywords as 'tag', seperated by ','. However, the tag is not really tag, it will use joomla default search component(com_search) to search all a...

Zaragoza Clouds generates a Cloud or a List of the most used words. Now you can use item tags too. Visit fot more info....