Joomla Extensions

The component indexes Word documents on the site and allows them to be searchable by the user....

Powerful mambot for including Flash clips (XHTML-compliant). Minimum usage: {flashembed}swf=flashfilename.swf|w=100|h=100{/flashembed} - use empty {flashembed}{/flashembed} pseudotag to see more options....

Google Custom Search: This module does a GoogleWEB search. Comments & suggestions:

Allows searching of all content items with option to limit search to specifc sections and language dependent modules. Based on the standard search content mambot, use at your own risk....

Simple module that insert the Sikbox in your Joomla site. Sikbox is a easiest way to have a fancy and useful live search on your blog.

The component indexes PDF documents on the site and allows them to be searchable by the user....

"Google Site Search" is a module for Joomla 1.0.x that enables you to search your site by using the Google-Site-Search feature....

This module will display a search box similar to Joomla search box but for google Adsense results. Based on the Joomla 1.0.x code written by Julien Pinaud and modified for Joomla 1.5 native functionality....

It is based on the content search plugin, and do some improvement on the SEO, including dynamic generate search page's tilte,meta description, meta keywords with the search results....

Search Engine Keyword Hight Java script version...

This module plugs your visitors search terms into a Searchbot. The templates allow you to customize the output to fit your application. For example you could use %elements and fully define style....

A module that displays dynamic content depending on search keywords. This module works with com_dynamiclandpage....

ALLOWS SEARCHING OF ALL ARTICLES. Based on the Joomla! core content search plugin and modified by Pietro Gallo for keyword density search. Notice: This plugin overrides 'Ordering' option (Newest first, Oldest first, Most...

This module creates a welcome message for visitors coming from search engines and allows them to perform related searches on the website. Joomla! com_search accepts strings of max 20 chars. Therefore, this module behaves...

JoomGallery Search Mambot - based on PonyGallery Search Mambot from Peter Kovacs...

This module allows to perform searches in Sobi2. Check for updates and report bugs on If you like this module, vote, favour or review on Joomla! Extensions....

Joomla 1.5 Native Plugin --- To Search Fireboard Forum Component. If you like the plugin please remember to vote for the plugin at --- --- also please consider a small donation to further dev...

Thankyou for downloading AjaxWhois v0.3 beta. AjaxWhois is a domain search and whois extension for Joomla! 1.0.x and Mambo 4.5.2 - 4.6.2. Ajax Whois searches for your selected domain extensions and displays the whois inf...

This module is a wrapper for the excellent CpmFetch API for retreiving pictures out of your Coppermine Photo Gallery, and display it on your website. The module allows you to configure the same settings as if you use Cpm...

Questo modulo consente di creare una galleria di immagini. Scegliere lo stesso nome per una categoria ed un articolo che conterra' le immagini da visualizzare. Se si imposta il nome di default (Galleria), un diverso nome...

"akJoomGallery" Plugin v1.0 Adding image galleries inside your Joomla! pages is now super simple with the "akJoomGallery" Plugin. Just add for example {akgallery} inside any article and all images in that page will be au...

Cactus image gallery component for Joomla! Cactus is practical,comfortable,fast simple a picture gallery component. Go Coctus Developer website:

Joomnik is a gallery component for Joomla! CMS displaying multiple images of items grouped by albums. Each item has description and up to 10 information fields. In case of multilingual sites, common words can be translat...

Usage: {rsg2_display: template, GID} or {rsg2_display: template, GID, paramName=value, paramName=value, ...} for as many parameters as you need to specify. Template should be the name of the template you want to use. GID...

Shows the a random picture from RSGallery also displays new picture and picture with the most hits and votes...

RSGallery2 Slideshow is a JavaScript SlideShow module for joomla! Open Source with the component RSGallery2....

Scrolls selected thumbnails from the RSGallery2 component for Joomla!. Note: this module uses the proprietary tag marquee, therefore not valid....

Hoverbox 2.15 | native to Joomla 1.5 | Please check the joomlabamboo website for configuration details.