SJ Tini - Awesome Responsive Multi-purpose Joomla Template

Joomla 3.0 Views: 1256 Added Date: 23 October 2014 SmartAddons Like
Joomla Template: SJ Tini - Awesome Responsive Multi-purpose Joomla Template
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Entertainment Fashion Magazine News Shop

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SJ Tini - An exquisite template for Joomla 3.x collection. Featured by powerful K2 component and K2Store shopping cart, SJ Tini comes out as a news/magazine template with online shop sophisticatedly equipped. SJ Tini well represents your news in parallel with your shop products. Your website can reach the best capacity easily.

SJ Tini is designed with a preheader menu and nice slider on top that makes your sites look clearer and more attractive. In addition, the nice hover effects will help visitors easily to follow any your website items. Each category is reasonably ordered besides video box and ads position. Furthermore, SJ Tini is styled with 6 modern color presets and boxed & wide layout for more choices. Front-end Cpanel will help you visually tweak these options of template.

With K2Store shopping cart, SJ Tini makes online shopping easy and fun without leaving the homepage. For each product, users can choose to add to cart, view detail or just view the basic info: name, price, rate. The social modules: SJ Facebook, SJ Twitter Slider , SJ Social Media Counter will make your website be stronger and shareable. Moreover, SJ Tini is powered by the latest Joomla template framework - YT FRAMEWORK V3, and flexible with Bootstrap3 at core. It allows you to totally manage your websites with a ton of shortcodes available.

Of all above, SJ Tini surely satisfy all your tastes. It is the best for news/magazine websites or any entertainment ones with online shopping supported. Check out SJ Tini's features in detail blog to feel more!

# Main Features
1. Compatible with IE9+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
2. Support RTL / LTR language
3. Support Full width and Boxed layouts
4. Support responsive layout
5. Support Front-end Cpanel for changing Theme, Layout and Reset instantly
6. Support 6 Preset Color Styles: Cyan(default), Blue, Red, Green, Orange and Lavender
7. Support various Font Family as well as Google Fonts
8. Support many styles for RESPONSIVE Menu: Mega Menu and Moo Menu
9. Allow to set JavaScript for Menus, set start/end level and Keep on top
10. Support many extensions:SJ Module Tabs, SJ Contact Ajax, SJ Facebook, SJ K2 Categories, SJ K2 Extraslider, SJ K2 Mega News, SJ K2 Scroller, SJ K2 Simpletabs, SJ K2 Slickslider, SJ K2 Slider, SJ K2 Slideshowii, SJ Social Media Counter, SJ Twitter Slider, SJ Videobox, SJ Gallery Pro, YT Framework Plugin, YT Shortcodes Plugin, SJ Content Related News, K2 Component, AcyMailing Component, K2store Component
11. Social integrated
12. Typography and various module variations
13. Use Lazy Load for handling large images
14. HTML5 Validation
15. Support SHORTCODES
16. Support LESSCSS
17. 100% table-less design, based on CSS3
18. Optimize CSS/JS/HTML/Merge File

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