
WordPress 3.5 Views: 1528 Added Date: 23 December 2013 TeslaThemes Like
Wordpress Theme: Zoomy
Template Topics:
Art & Photography Blogs Portfolio

Template Options:
Settings/Parameters, Responsive

Zoomy is a Professional Photography WordPress Theme with minimalist, fresh, responsive design and some great features to help you showcase your photos or creative works in a stylish way.

Zoomy is Retina Ready, this means that you will see sharp and detailed images on your site, when browsing from your iPad, iPhone or iMac. It uses retina.js to check each image on your site and indentify if there is a high resolution version of it. If such image exist (@2x), the script will load it instead of the initial one.

This template is packed with some of our latest updates and features, like: 10 custom posts, 5 custom widgets, built-in shortcodes, WPML compatibility, social media integration, 6 page templates, featured video support, beautiful sliders and galleries and much more.

  • Customization

Zoomy is powered by Tesla Framework, a powerful frame and administration tool that allows you to easily customize the look and functionality of your theme, without advanced knowledge of web development. It gives you the possibility to customize and manage your theme settings from a dedicated area within your WordPress Admin.

Unique features:

  • Responsive Design – the design fits ideally and looks great on a wide range of devices and screen resolutions. This means that the layout will adjust and look accordingly on all desktop computers, laptops, smartphones or tablets.
  • Featured Slider – we’ve used the latest jQuery library, HTML5 and CSS3 to achieve awesome visual and transition effects. You can easily customize the images of the slider, their titles and descriptions.
  • Filterable Portfolio – the template includes a filterable and animated portfolio, to showcase your latest works in a stylish manner. You can choose from 7 different portfolio representations (2, 3, 4 columns, portfolio with left and right sidebar, etc.).
  • Built-in Shortcodes – we’ve created a rich set of shortcodes to facilitate the process of creating new components (no web development skills required). You can use shotcodes to create special offers, buttons, pricing tables, tabs, team members and more.
  • Social Media Support – the most popular social sharing services integrated: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and more. Connect your social media pages and make your brand more social.
  • AJAX Contact Form – a useful feature that allows users to send their messages instantly, without reloading the webpage. This makes the contact form a prompt and useful channel for feedback.
  • Google Maps - the most popular service to represent your geographical location integrated. Simply type in your location name, preview the map, select a custom icon and save the data.
  • Custom Posts - dedicated area in your WordPress admin where you can easily add new predefined elements (Services, Testimonials, Team Members, Calendar, etc.). All posts are customizable and are tailored to the design of the layout.

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