SW You - Free responsive WordPress Theme

WordPress 3.5 Views: 2215 Added Date: 21 August 2014 SmartAddons Like
Wordpress Theme: SW You - Free responsive WordPress Theme
Template Topics:
Portfolio Personal Pages

Template Options:
Demo Installer, Multiple Colors, Responsive

SW You - a free WordPress theme supports 5 preset colors and integrates a lot of customized plugins to build a comprehensive WordPress personal blog. Using latest WordPress version with Quickstart, we can build responsive blog very quickly and easily. Besides, bootstrap and LESS make this theme suitable and powerful for developers to expand.

This free theme has a lot of features to make writing blog a funny thing. We can set up layout visually through Customize panel. Options such as color scheme, menu style, logo, site title and Analytics are available.

Building personal blog will be easier and better with many types of media that we can show. Native post formats have been stylized to help you show every creative thing you made: image, video, music. SW You theme can be used with various types of content such as standard blog post, favourite music, personal video...

Please check our demo to feel more!

Main Features:

1.     WordPress 3.5 ready
2.     Compatible with IE8+, Firefox 4+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
3.     Responsive layout
4.     Allow to set site title, tagline, logos and Analytics ID
5.     Support RTL/LTR language
6.     Support menu with Css or Mega style
7.     jQuery slider, Font Awesome and Font-icon inside
8.     Preset Color Styles: Orange (default), Yellow, Green, Red and Blue
9.     Custom Font with Google Web Fonts
10.     Social Networks integration
11.     HTML5 Validation
12.     100% CSS 3 table-less design
13.     Variations and LESS for advanced development
14.     Custom style for post formats: standard, audio, video, gallery...
15.     Custom style for plugins: Contact Form 7, Symple Shortcodes...

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