Joomla Extensions - Site Navigation

DJ-Accessibility Light is the free accessibility Joomla ">Customizable icon Change the button design simply by uploading the image you like. * Change the typo Easily adjust the text as you need by setting the ...

DJ-Wcag Improvement is a new Joomla 4 (there is also a WordPress version) accessibility plugin dedicated to the YOOtheme web builder. New accessibility plugin dedicated to the YOOtheme web builder. Use it to impro...

Is a filtering system for searching products using Categories, Manufacturers, Custom fields and Price range. It is very fast and highly configurable, supplying features used by the major eshops on the planet like Amaz...

Tooltips - add tooltips in Joomla! With Tooltips you can use a simple syntax to give any piece of text or image a nice and simple tooltip. You can create these tooltips virtually anywhere in your site. So not only i...