Joomla Extensions
Require a passphrase for members to register on your Joomla 1.5 site - for your existing club, organization, church, etc. JRPassphrase consists of a plugin and a module. We recommend that you install both the plugin and ...
JRPassphrase Registration Passphrase Module - used with plg_jrpassphrase. It will appear as "New User Registration" in the Joomla Module Manager. Remember to enable the module and setup any options. Usually the order of ...
Haihaisoft DRM-X Plugin is for integrating Haihaisoft DRM-X with Joomla. Synchronize Joomla users to DRM-X platform and protect your Video/Audio/PDF far from piracy. You can set your account infos in Haihaisoft...
Absalom Media's Cancelmoose will remove unwanted code, words and formatting from content. If something is in parenthesis "(", it needs to be placed before any other instances inside the Moose....
Show latest commented on items from Joomla! content, Jx Directory or Weblinks. Works with Jambook, !JoomlaComment, Jom Comment, OpenComment, AkoComment, Combo, MosCom and jComments....
Hides lyrics from view when content is published. Usage: {hidelyrics}~lyrics~{/hidelyrics}...
This is a very simple module that on activation, blocks the right mouse click browser context menu from your Website. Once this is installed, head straight to the Module Manager, set Show Title to "No" and place this in ...
JosObfuscator V 1.0.1 Powored By Author: Sameh Fakoua Contact us | Our Extensions @ Joomla Usage: {joso}Obfuscate This{/joso} Example, Prevent Email Hunters: {joso}{/joso}...
This module allows the displaying of a backup checker for LazyBackup. To end the LBChecker's installation, publish it and change the position to "menu"....
Static Exporter Description: This Component is used to create a static extraction from your Joomla! Site. Not all features will be available in the static Page (e.g. Search, Login, and other dynamic Part of the site) How...
When activated this plugin will perform a daily mysql backup and email it to your preferred email address. DONT touch options you dont know what do ! Now, go to plugins, put in your email and publish the plugin....
Provides the JoomlaPack Remoting XMLRPC services, which enables remote backup operations and backup files administration, by means of the JoomlaPack Remote desktop application. It requires JoomlaPack 2.0 or later to be i...
Successfuly installed tktcookie This Plugin sets a cookie that can be used by the apache module mod_auth_tkt. The mod_auth_tkt reads the cookie and automatically logins the user into apache i.e. set REMOTE_USER when basi...
Handles user authentication for linux hosting with a GMail account...
Core Design Login module for Joomla! 1.5 based on Highslide JS. This module displays a Username and Password login form. It also displays a link to retrieve a forgotten password. If user registration is enabled, (refer ...
Disables access to Joomla's core registration and login page, and redirects to desired components registration and login page....
This module displays a Secure Username and Password login form. It also displays a link to retrieve a forgotten password. If user registration is enabled, (refer to the Configuration settings), then another link will be ...
This module displays a Username and Password login form. It also displays a link to retrieve a forgotten password. If user registration is enabled, (refer to the Configuration settings), then another link will be shown t...
div.extension_container { font-family: trebuchet ms, tahoma, verdana, arial; font-size: 13px; } .sl_title { font-family: tahoma, verdana, arial; font-weight:normal; padding:0; margin-bottom:0; } p.sl_example { display:bl...
Joomla! Ukraine presents: DGM Login module: minimal space for login & F/X visualisition. Module based in CSS style. Please, insert in HEAD: Edit color pallet module in CSS modules/dgmlogin/dgmlogin.css/dgmlogin.css Jooml...