Wordpress Plugins - admin-navigation

User Activity Log Pro WordPress plugin helps you monitor and keep track of all the activities occurs on the admin side. It informs you about WordPress core updates, Post updates, User activities etc. User Activity...
Comments: 0 Views: 944   Solwin Infotech   October 01, 2016

We always stick with one blog layout as per theme, but its not easy to change or modify only blog layout very easily, only you can do it by modifying code and css files. Using Blog Designer plugin you can design yo...
Comments: 0 Views: 1023   Troy   February 13, 2016

* This slider is an effective for Responsive WordPress themes, because it would automatically adjust to its container. * This would work out of box, as there is no any need of js or css in your theme. * Slider t...
Comments: 0 Views: 833   Troy   February 09, 2016

A powerful plugin, Order Posts and Post Types Objects using a Drag and Drop Sortable JavaScript capability. It allow to reorder the posts for any custom post types you defined, including the default Posts. Also you ca...
Comments: 0 Views: 1228   Nsp Code   November 28, 2013

Wordfence Security is a free enterprise class security plugin that includes a firewall, anti-virus scanning, cellphone sign-in (two factor authentication), malicious URL scanning and live traffic including crawlers. W...
Comments: 0 Views: 1357   Wordfence   October 16, 2013

Really Simple CAPTCHA does not work alone and is intended to work with other plugins. It is originally created for Contact Form 7, however, you can use it with your own plugin. Note: This product is "really simple"...
Comments: 0 Views: 1236   Takayuki Miyoshi   October 09, 2013

WP Super Cache is a static caching plugin for WordPress. It generates html files that are served directly by Apache without processing comparatively heavy PHP scripts. By using this plugin you will speed up your WordP...
Comments: 0 Views: 1173   ocaoimh   October 09, 2013

WPtouch is a mobile plugin for WordPress that automatically enables a simple and elegant mobile theme for mobile visitors of your WordPress website. The mobile WordPress theme is complete with AJAX loading articles an...
Comments: 0 Views: 1110   bravenewcode   September 26, 2013

The Captcha plugin allows you to implement a super security captcha form into web forms. It protects your website from spam by means of math logic, easily understood by human beings. You will not have to spend your pr...
Comments: 0 Views: 1169   bestwebsoft   September 25, 2013

Are you a visual person? Do the letter combinations "HTML" and "CSS" send you running for the hills; but you still want to create beautiful blogs like the pros? Then this is the plugin for you! Ultimate TinyMCE wil...
Comments: 0 Views: 1261   joshlobe   September 25, 2013